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今年BBC年度新聲的第2名James Bay靠著一曲Hold Back The River獲得了極大的讚揚,而今天他也出了新歌Scars的MV,歌詞敘述了感情在人們身上留下的傷痕,意境還滿美的,分享給大家囉!





you're setting off, it's time to go, the engine's running 你準備好了,我們也該隨著引擎啟程

my mind's lost, we always knew this day was coming 我已經迷失了,我們知道這天總將來到

and now its more frightening than it's ever gonna be 而現在又比之前更令人恐懼

we grow apart, i watch you on a red horizon 我在分離後遠遠瞭望著你

your lion's heart would protect you on a storm sky 你狂野的心將保護你免於暴風雨

and i will always be listening for you laughter and your tears 我也會伴隨著你的歡笑及淚水

and as soon as I can hold you once again 我只要能再次擁有你

i won't let go of you, I swear 我絕對不會讓你離開


we live through scars this time 這次我們經歷過了傷疤的考驗

but i've made up my mind 但我已下定決心

We can't leave us behind anymore 我們絕不會忘記


your hands are cold 你冰冷的手

your lips are turning blue 你的嘴唇在發紫

you're shaking 你在顫抖

this fragile heart, so heavy in my chest, is breaking 我脆弱的心即將破碎

and in the dark, you try to make a pay phone call to me 在黑暗中你試著從公共電話打給我


but you're miles away 但你在遙遠之處

you're breaking up 我倆分開了

you're on your own 你走你的路

it's hard to take, i need an hour just to say hello 這很難承受,我只需要些時間跟你問好

and i can't make the truth of this work out for you and me 我不能接受我們倆的現實

and for all the pennies in your pocket 你口袋中的所有零錢

we barely get a second just to speak 我們只需要幾秒來聊聊


we live through scars this time 這次我們經歷過了傷疤的考驗

but i've made up my mind 但我已下定決心

We can't leave us behind anymore 我們絕不會忘記


we'll have to hurt for now 我們必須為現在受點傷

but next time there's no doubt 但下次就不會有疑問

cuz I can't go without you 因為我就不能跟你一起出遊

anymore 直到永遠


oh no no oh oh


we live through scars this time 這次我們經歷過了傷疤的考驗

but i've made up my mind 但我已下定決心

We can't leave us behind anymore 我們絕不會忘記


we'll have to hurt for now 我們必須為現在受點傷

but next time there's no doubt 但下次就不會有疑問

cuz I can't go without you 因為我就不能跟你一起出遊


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