螢幕快照 2015-11-20 下午10.23.12.png 

(Avicii's Facebook)

Alone 孤單的

I’m searching for devotion in the fading melody 我在消逝的旋律中尋找著忠誠

My soul is trying to cross an ocean 我的靈魂正試著飛越海洋

Down on bended knee 膝蓋正彎曲著

Lock up my codense and rhyme 鎖住我所押的韻腳

Don't know what I'm trying to say 不知道我要說什麼

All the time was stolen by bad poetry 總是被邪惡的詩人偷走

Some nights I talk to myself 有些夜晚我在自我對話

I say the words that I could say to no one else. 我說了一些不能和其他人說的

And some nights I talk in my sleep 有些夜晚我在睡夢中喃喃自語

I said the words I never said when you were with me. 我說了些你和我在一起時我不會講的

Some nights I talk to myself 有些夜晚我在自我對話

I say the words that I could say to no one else. 我說了一些不能和其他人說的

And some nights I talk in my sleep 有些夜晚我在睡夢中喃喃自語

I said the words I never said when you were with me. 我說了些你和我在一起時我不會講的

I'm gone 我走了

The nightmares cut me open 惡夢讓我不能自己

Love's insanity 愛情的狂熱

So long words are left unspoken 有些字彙我還是不會拼

Couldn't set them free 無法解開束縛

Watch all the language run dry 看著文思逐漸枯竭

Thoughts go on holiday 想法都在度假

My heart 我的心

I'm left with a broken vocabulary 我只剩下不完整的單字

Some nights I talk to myself 有些夜晚我在自我對話

I say the words that I could say to no one else. 我說了一些不能和其他人說的

And some nights I talk in my sleep 有些夜晚我在睡夢中喃喃自語

I said the words I never said when you were with me. 我說了些你和我在一起時我不會講的

Some nights I talk to myself 有些夜晚我在自我對話

I say the words that I could say to no one else. 我說了一些不能和其他人說的

And some nights I talk in my sleep 有些夜晚我在睡夢中喃喃自語

I said the words I never said when you were with me. 我說了些你和我在一起時我不會講的

Some nights I talk to myself 有些夜晚我在自我對話

I say the words that I could say to no one else. 我說了一些不能和其他人說的

And some nights I talk in my sleep 有些夜晚我在睡夢中喃喃自語

I said the words I never said when you were with me. 我說了些你和我在一起時我不會講的

    創作者 deltz 的頭像


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