
(The Chainsmokers' Facebook)

Friday Night就一起來欣賞這首由The Chainsmokers、Tritonal和Emily Warren所帶來的Until You Were Gone吧!


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螢幕快照 2015-10-23 下午11.16.16.png 

Avicii's Youtube



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最新的DJ Mag 2015年百大DJ名單出爐囉!!趕快來看看有哪些人上榜吧~~!!

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螢幕快照 2015-10-16 下午9.25.01.png 

Avicii's Youtube


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avicii stories.jpg 

Avicii's Facebook


這一首Ten More Days是找來Zak Abel演唱


Ten more days under water 在水面下度過十幾天

And I already know 我已經知道

I'll be fine 我會好好的

Ten more days till it's over 離結束還有十幾天

Till the darkness goes 直到黑夜離去

And I see the light 我看到了曙光

I'm torn between fulfilling my wildest dreams 我在完成狂野的夢想時被狠狠的蹂躪著

To satisfy the beast inside of me 以滿足我心中野獸的慾望

And a grounded love that raises me high above 禁錮的愛使我開始興奮

The grabbing hands of cowards and of thieves 懦夫和盜賊的手向我襲來

Ten more days to find my way 再給我十天找尋方向

Ten more days till I'm awake 再給我十天等我甦醒

Ten more days till I don't have to fight 再給我十天直到我不需打架

I don't need a future king 我不需要未來的王者

There ain't a prayer that I could sing 沒有我可以為之歌頌的祈禱者

Ten more days and I'm gonna make it right 給我十天我會把他導回正軌

You see my conscience betrayed me 你看到了我的良心背叛我

But baby I'm strong enough 但我仍夠堅強

To take the tides 去度過這些起伏

The bed, it trembles beneath me 這在我背後顫抖著

But wherever the road is rough 但不論路途是否艱辛

You know I'll rise 你知道我將冉冉升起

I'm torn between fulfilling my wildest dreams 我在完成狂野的夢想時被狠狠的蹂躪著

To satisfy the beast inside of me 以滿足我心中野獸的慾望

And a grounded love that raises me high above 禁錮的愛使我開始興奮

The grabbing hands of cowards and of thieves 懦夫和盜賊的手向我襲來

Ten more days to find my way 再給我十天找尋方向

Ten more days till I'm awake 再給我十天等我甦醒

Ten more days till I don't have to fight 再給我十天直到我不需打架

I don't need a future king 我不需要未來的王者

There ain't a prayer that I could sing 沒有我可以為之歌頌的祈禱者

Ten more days and I'm gonna make it right 給我十天我會把他導回正軌


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avicii stories.jpg 

Avicii's Facebook

瑞典當紅DJ Avicii的最新專輯Stories今天正式發行囉!!



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(One Direction's Facebook)

即將在明年三月開始休團的One Direction即將於今年11月13號發行全新專輯Made In The A.M.,其中就包括了Drag Me Down和這支全新單曲Infinity,就快點來聽吧!!


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(Demi Lovato's Facebook)

即將在美國時間10月16號推出全新專輯Confident的Demi Lovato在最近先釋出了同名歌曲Confident,趕快來聽吧!


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(Dillon Francis' Facebook)

搞怪王Dillon Francis推出了新專輯This Mixtape Is Fire,裡面這首Coming Over是找來我非常喜歡的Kygo合作,很適合在夏夜的時候聽哦!


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Here for you  

Kygo's Facebook


這次Kygo的新歌是找來英國新銳女歌手Ella Henderson合作的Here for You,而這首歌的Instrumental Mix就是之前釋出的ID哦!



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