


來自挪威,現年年僅19歲的Alan Walker自從在2015年年底推出了Faded而一炮而紅之後,在去年也陸續釋出了Sing Me To Sleep以及Alone等多首暢銷單曲,而在約莫半年的等待之後,在今天終於推出和來自愛爾蘭的25歲創作歌手Gavin James合作的單曲Tired,副歌的氣氛營造也做的相當不錯,是首會越聽越有味道的單曲唷~


Music Video:





I see those tears in your eyes 我窺見你眼中的淚水

I feel so helpless inside 我內心感到無比無助

Oh love, there's no need to hide 親愛的,你不需要隱藏情緒

Just let me love you when your heart is tired 當你的心疲憊時,就接受我的愛吧


[Verse 1]

Cold hands, red eyes 冷冽的雙手、哭紅的雙眼

Packed your bags at midnight 在午夜時分整理你的行李

They've been there for weeks 那已在那裡放了幾週

I don't what came by me 我不知道甚麼與我擦身而過



Just roll up a cigarette 就捲起一捲菸草吧

Just forget about this mess 就忘掉這些混亂吧

Been waiting on the sidelines 在一旁癡癡等待著

From the sidelines 就在一旁等待著吧



I see those tears in your eyes 我看見你眼中的淚水

I feel so helpless inside 我內心感到無比無助

Oh love, there's no need to hide 親愛的,你不需要隱藏情緒

Just let me love you when your heart is tired 當你的心疲憊時,就讓我愛你吧

If your ghost pulls you up high 如果讓過去阻止了你

And it feels like you've lost who you are 而這讓你感到你已迷失了自我

My love, there's no need to hide 我的愛,你不需要去躲躲藏藏

Just let me love you when your heart is tired 當你的心疲憊時,就接受我的愛吧

Just let me love you(*4) 就讓我愛你吧(*4)

Just let me love you when your heart is tired 當你的心疲憊時,就讓我來愛你吧


[Verse 2]

When you whisper, I'm alright 當你喃喃低語著,其實我安然無恙

But I see through your white lies 但我已看透了你善意的謊言

But these walls don't talk 但這些高牆不會說話

And if they could, they'd say 如果他們能說話,會說



Can't hide the secrets 無法隱藏秘密

You can't forget about this mess 就忘掉這些混亂吧

Been waiting on the sidelines 在一旁癡癡等待著

From the sidelines 就在一旁等待著吧



I see those tears in your eyes 我窺見你眼中的淚水

I feel so helpless inside 我內心感到無比無助

Oh love, there's no need to hide 親愛的,你不需要隱藏情緒

Just let me love you when your heart is tired 當你的心疲憊時,就接受我的愛吧

If your ghost pulls you up high 如果讓過往阻止了你

And it feels like you've lost who you are 而這讓你感到你已迷失了自我

My love, there's no need to hide 我的愛,你不需要去躲躲藏藏

Just let me love you when your heart is tired 當你的心疲憊時,就讓我來愛你吧

Just let me love you(*4) 就讓我愛你吧(*4)

Just let me love you when your heart is tired 當你的心疲憊時,就接受我的愛吧

I see those tears in your eyes 我窺見你眼中的淚水

And I feel so helpless inside 我內心感到無比無助

My love, there's no need to hide 親愛的,你不需要隱藏情緒

Just let me love you when your heart is tired 當你的心疲憊時,就讓我來愛你吧

    創作者 deltz 的頭像


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