She is back! 在歷經了過去幾年的風風雨雨過後,Kesha終於要在八月推出睽違五年的最新專輯Rainbow,而這首Praying就成為這張專輯的第一首單曲。歌詞反映了過去幾年與Dr. Luke的恩怨,非常令人印象深刻,也讓人更加期待她的新專輯。
[Verse 1]
Well, you almost had me fooled 你讓我迷惑
Told me that I was nothing without you 告訴我沒有你我什麼都不是
Oh, but after everything you've done 但當你做了那些事後
I can thank you for how strong I have become 謝謝你讓我變得如此堅強
'Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell 因為你讓我經歷一場地獄的烈火
I had to learn how to fight for myself 我必須如何為自我奮鬥
And we both know all the truth I could tell 我們都知道所有我可訴說的真相
I'll just say this is I wish you farewell 我只會祝你一切安好
I hope you're somewhere praying, praying 我希望你在某處祈禱
I hope your soul is changing, changing 我希望你的靈魂能夠改變
I hope you find your peace 我希望你能找到你心中的那片祥和
Falling on your knees, praying 跪地祈禱
[Verse 2]
I'm proud of who I am 我為我自己感到驕傲
No more monsters, I can breathe again 沒有妖魔鬼怪,我能夠再次呼吸新鮮空氣
And you said that I was done 你曾說我一切都完蛋了
Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come 但你是錯的,最好的也還沒來到
'Cause I can make it on my own 因為我可以靠著自己撐過
And I don't need you, I found a strength I've never known 我並不需要你,我找到了我不曾發現的力量
I've been thrown out, I've been burned 我曾經被視為敝屣
When I'm finished, they won't even know your name 當一切完成之時,他們也不會知道你是誰
'Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell 因為你讓我經歷一場地獄的烈火
I had to learn how to fight for myself 我必須如何為自我奮鬥
And we both know all the truth I could tell 我們都知道所有我可訴說的真相
I'll just say this is I wish you farewell 我只會祝你一切安好
I hope you're somewhere praying, praying 我希望你在某處祈禱
I hope your soul is changing, changing 我希望你的靈魂能夠改變
I hope you find your peace 我希望你能找到你心中的那片祥和
Falling on your knees, praying 跪地祈禱
Oh, sometimes, I pray for you at night 有時我在晚上為你祈禱
Someday, maybe you'll see the light 也許有一天你會看到曙光
Oh, some say, in life, you're gonna get what you give 有一天你會得到你所付出的
But some things, only God can forgive 但有些事情只有神能寬恕你
I hope you're somewhere praying, praying 我希望你在某處祈禱
I hope your soul is changing, changing 我希望你的靈魂能夠改變
I hope you find your peace 我希望你能找到你心中的那片祥和
Falling on your knees, praying 跪地祈禱