英倫天團Coldplay即將釋出全新的EP Kaleidoscope,這張含有五首歌的EP除了收錄先前已經發行的Hypnotised之外,也收錄了與美國DJ雙人組The Chainsmokers合作的Something Just Like This,而這首All I Can Think About Is You也同樣會包含在這張裡面。而這首歌曲的曲風在帶著一絲絲Ghost Stories的氛圍之外,整首聽完彷彿讓歌迷們回到了最初Parachutes的感動,歌詞一樣也是相當Coldplay式的情歌,那麼就讓我們一起來欣賞這首All I Can Think About Is You吧!
Lyric Video
One, two, three 一、二、三
[Verse 1]
Fish fell out of water 從水底一躍而出的魚
Bird stuck on the ground 鳥兒陷在土地上的泥淖
Chaos giving orders 混亂中卻又有絲秩序
Everything is upside down 所有的事情都亂七八糟
The whole world on a flight path 整個世界都是我的飛行跑道
I wonder where they'll go, ah 我猜想著他們踏上的航道
Trouble's on the outside, I know 麻煩總是顯現於外,我知道
But now, all I can think about is you 但此刻我所思地只有你
All I can think about is you 我能所想到的全部是你
If all that i'm on earth to do 如果我在這星球上能做的
Is solo, then what a lone poor shoe 是獨奏,僅有孤零的一隻鞋
I want to walk in a two 我想要變成兩人同行的旅程
[Piano Solo]
Go 走吧
It's all I can 這就是我所能
It's all I can 我所能之事
It's all I can 是我能力所及
It's all I can do 就是我可做的事
It's all I can do 我能夠付出之處
[Guitar Solo]
Everything is falling all around you 全世界都落在你身旁
It's all I can do 這就是我所能做的
All I can think about is you 我所想的全部都是你
It's all I can 為你付出全力
All I can think about is you 在我腦海中揮之不去的是你
Love is the only thing left that's true 剩下來的唯有愛,是不變的真理