正在巡演當中的Coldplay日前推出了Kaleidoscope EP,裡面總共有五首曲目,包含了有著鋼琴solo的All I Can Think About Is You、這篇文章的Miracles (Someone Special)、活潑俏皮的A L I E N S、與The Chainsmokers合作的Something Just Like This (BTW,EP收錄的是在東京場現場收音的特別版本)、還有迷幻的Hypnotised。
而這次的這首Miracles (Someone Special) 呢,乍看歌名會令人以為是之前為Angelina Jolie執導的電影永不屈服 Unbroken所譜寫的主題曲Miracles,不過釋出之後聽到的是截然不同、與饒舌歌手Big Sean合作的Miracles (Someone Special),歌詞裡面引用到了相當多的歷史人物,而主要的大意則是鼓勵人們不要輕言放棄,努力走出屬於自己的一片天,是首相當鼓舞人心的歌曲呢!
1. Common, John Legend - Glory (含歌詞翻譯)
2. Coldplay - All I Can Think About Is You (含歌詞翻譯)
Audio (Spotify)
Lyric Video
[Verse 1: Chris Martin]
My father said never give up son 父親告訴我永遠別放棄
Just look how good Cassius become 看看Cassius變得多偉大 [註1]
Muhammad, Mahatma, and Nelson 想想Muhammad [註2]、Mahatma [註3] 還有 Nelson [註4]
Not scared to be strong 不要害怕變得強大
[Pre-Chorus: Chris Martin]
Now you could run and just say they're right 你現在可以逃跑,說著他們是對的
No I'll never be no one in my whole life 我的一生只會是茫茫大海中的滄海一粟
Or you could turn and say no wait they're wrong 或者是你可以轉身說他們有錯
And get to keep on dancing all life long 持續在生命的舞台上舞出自我
[Verse 2: Chris Martin]
My father said never give up son 父親跟我說不要放棄
Just look what Amelia and Joan done 看看Amelia [註5] 和Joan [註6] 立下什麼事蹟
Oh Rosa, Teresa their war won 看看Rosa [註7] 和Teresa [註8] 都贏得了屬於他們的戰役
Not scared to be strong 對變得更強大無所顧忌
[Pre-Chorus: Chris Martin]
Now you could run and just say they're right 你現在可以逃跑,說著他們是對的
No I'll never be no one in my whole life 我的一生只會是茫茫大海中的滄海一粟
Or you could turn and say no wait they're wrong 或者是你可以轉身說他們有錯
And get to keep on dancing all life long 持續在生命的舞台上舞出自我
[Chorus: Chris Martin]
Yeah you could be someone special 你可以是那個不一樣的人
You've got bright in your brains and lightning in your veins 你散發出了閃耀的氣息
You'll go higher than they've ever gone 你可以比先人走到更高時
In you I see someone special 在你身上,我嗅到了與眾不同的氣息
You've got fire in your eyes 你的眼中燃起了烈火
And when you realize you'll go further than we've ever gone 而當你終於明白你會走得比我們更遠時
Just turn it on 就竭盡你所能吧
[Verse 3: Big Sean]
Look I paid my intuition I couldn't afford tuition 看我曾為魯莽付出代價 也曾繳不起學費
My funds was insufficient, it felt like I'm in prison 資金不夠 彷彿像在監獄
Until I realized I had to set my mind free 直到我了解到我必須讓我的心靈自由
I was trusting statistics more than I trust me 我相信數據更甚於相信自己
Get a degree, good job, 401k 擁有好學歷、好工作、退休之後也有保障 [註9]
But I'm trying to turn k's to m', what does it take? 但我想要賺更多的錢,那要付出什麼?[註10]
And maybe I could be the new Ali of music prolly 也許我會是音樂產業的新一代阿里 [註11]
Instead of doing it just as a hobby like these boys told me to 就像兄弟跟我說的一般 我不能再把這當成嗜好
I guess you either watch the show or you show and prove 我想你不是在底下看秀就是在台上證明自己
Prove it to them or you prove it to yourself 證明給他們看 或是證明給自己看
But honestly it's better if you do it for yourself 但老實說你為自己做會更好
Never complacent till we hit the oasis 到綠洲前絕不自滿
One life don't waste it 別浪費僅此一次的生命
Feel my heart racing, success I taste it, ah 感受心臟的跳動 品味成功的滋味
Ah we on the verge of getting every single thing that we deserve 我們就要得到我們所付出的回報了
[Chorus: Chris Martin]
Yeah you could be someone special 你可以是與眾不同的那個人
You've got fire in your eyes I see heaven inside 我在你燃起烈火的眼珠中看見了何謂天堂
You'll go further than we've ever gone 你將會走得比我們更遠
In you I see someone special 我在你身上找到了與眾不同的一點
You've got bright in your brains 你的腦海中藏著亮點
You can break through those chains 你可以斷開鎖鏈
You'll go higher than we've ever gone 你可以到達前所未見的高度
Just turn it on 就放手去做吧
[Outro: Chris Martin]
In you I see someone special 我在你身上看見了與眾不同的特質
Don't go to war with yourself 不要與自己鬥爭
Just turn, just turn, just turn it on 只要放手去做
And you can't go wrong 就一定不會錯的
[註1] Cassius:拳王Muhammad Ali (阿里) 出生時的名字是Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. ,此處就是取原名。
[註2] Muhammad:可能是阿里或是伊斯蘭教的先知穆罕默德。
[註3] Mahatma:Mahatma Gandhi,印度的聖雄甘地。
[註4] Nelson:Nelson Mandela,南非第一任黑人總統曼德拉。
[註5] Amelia:Amelia Mary Earhart ,20世紀美國著名女飛行員及女權運動者。
[註6] Joan:Joan Baez,美國鄉村女歌手,提倡反戰。
[註7] Rosa:Rosa Parks,美國黑人民權主義者。曾在公車上拒絕讓座給白人乘客,因此遭逮捕,引發聯合抵制蒙哥馬利公車運動 ,這個在前幾年的電影《逐夢大道 Selma》中也有提到,該片的主題曲Glory也有用到這段典故 。(連結在上面的延伸閱讀唷。)
[註8] Teresa: Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu,德雷莎修女。
[註9] 401k:美國退休儲蓄計劃的名稱。
[註10] k's to m':k是thousand (千) 的簡稱,而m則是million (百萬) 的簡稱,另外也有人用MM代稱百萬。
[註11] prolly:probably (可能) 口語化的講法。